Thrifting My Way to Type-A

I don’t know about all of you, but since my kids were born and I’ve been living in the style of Meg Wolitzer’s protagonist in the 10 Year Nap, I have nothing to wear besides jeans (mostly with holes in the knees), several Mickey Mouse t-shirts and a pair of red, Converse sneakers.  Okay, I’m exaggerating.  But only a little bit.  So when I started going to social-media conferences during the past year or so, I found myself at a {Read More}

Allowance, Disney Style

We are not a very material family.  So much so that my eldest daughter spends a lot of time telling us all of the ways in which we are not “normal.”  We have an ancient, box of a television set that was my husband’s during his bachelor days.  I refuse to buy individually packaged lunchbox items, insisting instead to buy in bulk and fill up our cute, reusable, stainless steel containers.  Toys and such are for birthdays and holidays, not {Read More}